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Antibiotic resistance is prevalent worldwide and can significantly hinder UTI treatment and positive long-term health. There are more and more cases of UTIs becoming more resistant to antibiotics every year, especially E.coli strains which cause most UTIs. Antibiotics, although necessary in specific UTI cases, can also be harmful if taken long-term. 


More and more doctors are turning to natural approaches to be proactive in treating patients' urinary tract and health. 


Most doctors worldwide agree that "prevention is the best medicine," and PRVNT® can help people stay ahead of the curve safely and healthily for optimal urinary health.


PRVNT® can complement many antibiotics therapies; however, PRVNT® offers a proactive approach to help avoid recurrent UTIs, whether in the future or from intercourse. Always check with your doctor and pharmacist to ensure no contraindications with your medications and medical condition before use.


PRVNT® does not have any of the side effects that many antibiotics demonstrate. However, PRVNT® is not a replacement for antibiotics associated with acute UTIs. It has developed to help strengthen the bladder and urinary tract defense, promoting a more robust immune health system. A robust natural defense may be the best offense for optimal health outcomes. Always check with your doctor to make sure PRVNT® is a good fit for you.


Not to be taken by pregnant or nursing women.


Before consuming any NAN product, always consult with your physician to make sure there are no contraindications with your medication or medical condition.

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